Ref. RQ676084

Liaison & Diversion Specialist

  • Location: Hackney, England
  • Salary: £231.87 - £300 per day
  • Type: Temporary / part time


Seven Social Care are looking for an experienced Liason & Diversion Specialist for Hackney Council. This is a temporary contract initially, 4 days per week.

The role:

This post has been developed as part of an exciting redesign of CAMHS provision for children and young people who are receiving support from Youth Justice, Liaison and Diversion, Early Help and Prevention services.The postholder will be co-located with the YOT and Early Help within Hackney Children and Families Services, and will have a specialist clinical role within the Children and Families Clinical Service, part of of the City and Hackney CAMHS Alliance. This post has been developed to ensure that children and young people entering the youth justice system receive early intervention and effective mental health support, and have access to clinical interventions to address their wider presenting needs and divert them away from offending behaviours.

The post holder will join the highly specialist Children and Families Clinical Service; undertaking direct work with young people, families with a range of complex presenting difficulties including offending behaviours, emotional and behavioural difficulties, abuse and neglect, developmental trauma, relationship and attachment difficulties, deliberate self harm and substance misuse problems.

Key Responsibilities:

  • To provide highly specialist mental health screening assessments and psychological and/or Systemic interventions, including assessments of risk, using interpretation and integration of complex data from a variety of sources including screening measures and face to face contact or interviews with service users, family members and others involved in the child’s care and support.
  • To make highly skilled evaluations and decisions about treatment options taking into account theoretical and therapeutic models including systemic theory, attachment theory, social learning theory and/or CBT, as well as more specialist best practice approaches relevant to young people at risk of offending.
  • To take into account highly complex factors concerning historical and developmental factors, specialist assessment findings and contextual safeguarding issues.
  • To draw on assessments to formulate, implement, monitor and review outcome focussed plans for the treatment and management of a child’s emotional and behavioural problems based on sound clinical formulation.

Applicant Requirements:

  • Experience: Experience in a supervisory role is essential

Working with Seven Social Care:

We have been helping social care professionals find exciting new roles for almost a decade, so we know exactly where to look when it comes to sourcing the best opportunities. We operate across the UK, and, with over 300 five-star reviews, multiple awards and amazing relationships with the biggest employers in UK social care, we give you the best chance of landing your next role.

We have a reputation for recruiting at lightning speed, however, we can only respond to candidates who meet the exact requirements of the position. If you have any queries about a role or application, please visit our website where our amazing candidate support team will be more than happy to help.